Wednesday, October 8, 2008

GCABC Conference October 18th

Just passing on the information:

The Gifted Association of BC Conference - October 18th

Theme: Science and Understanding
Presenters: Dr. Melinda Meszaros and P. Susan Jackson
Location: Theatre, Magee Secondary School 6360 Maple St. (near West 49th)
9:30 - 10:00 Registration for parents & children
10:00 - noon Melinda Meszaros & childrens program
12:01 - 1:00 Lunch together
1:00 - 1:30 AGM - separate program for children
1:30 - 3:00 Sue Jackson & childrens program Programs are provided by-VSB, Silbury, Madrona, BrainBoost Tutoring, Old Schooling, High-Touch High Tech, and Academie Duello (Sword Play)

Many specialists - vision, sensory, audiologist and psychologists
Resources - Odin books, Osborn Books
Gifted schools, VSB and tutoring services.
Fee: $95.00 - includes 2008-09 family membership ($35.00) and buffet lunch
Parking: No charge
Registration info: See separate attachment for detailed registration info for both parents and childrens programs, and for membership renewal. We thank the VSB for supplying the location - Magee High school

Sign in and sign up here!

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